This website has been developed for the purpose of enhancing communication between HAAC members and others employees. HAAC is always actively promoting Hispanic views by helping its members establish a solid network for themselves and helping out our communities.
The San Francisco HAAC has hosted several regional and national conferences since its inception. We maintain a newsletter to keep the members informed. You may be interested in our mentorship and scholarship programs. Please visit the web pages dedicated to these functions.
We will like to encourage you to become an active HAAC member. Why not serve as the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.? You may also be interested in networking with other Agency employees or having an article published in our newsletter.
Be a part of the Agency’s future by joining SF HAAC. If you are already a member, how about getting involved? Contact your Area VP if you are interested in making the difference. If you have issues or concerns, please use our contact board to send us a message.
Thank you very much for visiting our web site. We hope you enjoy our website and please feel free to send our webmaster any comments, concerns or suggestions.
We are looking forward to hearing from you or meeting you at one of our area meetings, events or exciting conferences.
Pacific Asian Advisory Council (PAAC)
Black Affairs Advisory Council (BAAC)
Women's Affairs Advisory Council (WAAC)
LGBT Advisory Council
American Indian Alaskan Native Advisory Council (AIAC)
Council for Employees with Disabilities (CED)
Veterans & Military Affairs Advisory Council (VMAAC)